Saturday, 15 February 2014

Starting nursery

Starting nursery is a big change for both you and your child especially if they are only 2 years of age.

We asked parents in Tamworth for their advice and have put the top tips to help you and your child. We will also produce  a hard copy handy guide. We hope it helps:

How can I prepare my toddler for nursery?
Tip: Take advantage of any sessions that the nurseries offer to help your child become familiar and settle in.

“We found a lovely book from the library called ‘Going to Playgroup by Laurence Anholt and Catherine Anholt, which we read in the run up to starting. I was very positive about it and made it sound as if it was special thing. By the time she started, she couldn’t wait!”

Talk about it in positive ways. The local library will have several books including a popular Peppa pig ‘George starts Playgroup’.
“My son’s nursery let us visit together and then he stayed for short sessions by himself at first”.

How can I help my child feel more comfortable?
Tip: Let staff know what makes your child feel more secure. They will want him to feel happy.
“I took my son’s blanky in with him. They let him snuggle it all the time to start with, then gradually put it in his bag. Eventually he didn’t notice it was in the bag all the time.” 

How can I make goodbyes easier?
Tip: Try to make it a positive experience and don’t let them see you upset.
“I learned the hard way, I’m afraid. I found it very difficult to leave her so stayed to see if she was Ok. She used to cry and cling on to me. It was very upsetting. Now, I kiss her on the head and say, ‘Bye, bye sweetie-pie, and leave. It makes saying goodbye so much easier for both of us." 
“I used to get so upset when I left my son. He’d cry and I’d get tearful too. I’d ring up 10 minutes later and they’d say he was fine but it ruined my day. Now I smile and get out of there fast.”

What if my child won't settle in?
Tip: It’s very rare that a child doesn’t settle into nursery as they are naturally sociable, explorers who love to learnNursery staff are experienced at getting children to settle so ask their advice if it’s hard (for you or your child).  
“My son cried for the first two weeks of nursery. It made me feel guilty and not want to leave him but I knew I needed to let him have time to settle in. It was good I did as he loves it so much now and it’s really helped him.”

If you have any questions or need any help please give me a call 07792 906741

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